​​​​​​Kalkaska Animal Hospital


Kalkaska Animal Hospital
625 M-72 NE
​Kalkaska, MI 49646

Office (231) 258-4107
Fax (231) 258-0671

Prices vary according to the breed of the pet, condition of coat, and type of grooming requested. Appointments must be made with advance. Call for more information!

Anybody who doesn't know what soap tastes like never washed a dog.
 - Franklin P. Jones

Call for an appointment at (231)384-6446 or (231)258-4107.

Keeping an animal well groomed is an important part of its overall health and wellbeing.  Haircuts are done according to the breed, owner’s preference, or the animal’s individual needs at the time.

Any health problem noticed by the groomer, will be reported to the Doctor. Owners will be notified of all health concerns by phone or at the time of pickup so they can be addressed as soon as possible. We not only want your pet to look great, but we want them to live a long and healthy, happy life.  


 We offer sedation for animals who are over stressed by the grooming process. This sedation is a mild sedative, only given by the Doctor that calms the animal and slows down reaction time. There is an additional fee for sedation, and must be scheduled in advance.